Cottage News March 2025
The Cottage is 47 years old! Whoo hoo!
Food For Thought:
It is completely normal for parents to teach kids that they are “first” during the first few years of growing and developing. However, then there needs to be a gradual switch where the child learns he is not always first, or most important. His feelings are not more important that other people’s. His wants and desires are not the most significant. That’s one of the things they learn as they get socialized in a school setting. When you bring together 10 kids who have always been taught that they are the most important, you have big problems! Kids start to fight for their place in line. They whine and complain because someone else has a toy they want. They don’t respect or think about other people. that is what we try to teach when they start The Cottage.
You can help them by being a role model (do you cut people off in traffic?). When grocery shopping for The Cottage I always have a big load so I make it a point to offer someone else with less items to go in front of me. Kids hear the word “share”, but what does that mean? It means to think of other people, to learn empathy and respect for others. You can let them know that YOUR feelings are important too. You can tell them what you need at certain times. Kids who learn this kind of positive social interaction will have stronger and more positive relationships later in life.
Spanish: Wednesdays mornings
Dance: March 6 and 20th
Themes: Women to know, endangered animals, farm life, jungle, rainforest, savannah and desert animals
Reading Readiness:
Red/ Purple / Blue: tracing and paths/patterns
Yellow / Orange / Green: categories and rhyming
Show and Tell: ONE SMALL TOY - and toys that invite constructive play with other kids, if possible.
Thank you for being part of our community. We couldn’t do it without the participation of each of you!
Follow us on instagram: @thecottagebend
facebook: Cottage Daycare